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Danila Dilba Biluru Butji Binnilutlum Health Service Aborigin


National Agreement on Closing the Gap

The objective of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap (the National Agreement) is to enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and governments to work together to overcome the inequa


DDHS Submission - Draft standards for health services in Australian prisons (2nd edition)

Danila Dilba Health Service submission into the draft standards for health services in Australian prisons (2nd edition).


Review into the Commonwealth Electoral Amendment - Ensuring Fair Representation of the Northern Territory

Danila Dilba Health Service (DDHS) submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters: Review into the Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Ensuring Fair Representation of the Northern Te


DDHS Submission to Council of Attorneys General - Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility Working group

Danila Dilba Health Service (DDHS) made a submission to the Council of Attorneys General Working Group on raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility In February 2020.


Danila Dilba Community Newsletter - April 2020 - Special Coronavirus edition

This special edition version of our community newsletter has important information to keep you up to date on Coronavirus and what we are doing to keep our clients, community and staff safe.



Follow this link when instructed by ICT.


Annual Report 2019

Annual Report

New youth justice and child protection coalition backs changes to youth justice

With new laws proposed to overhaul key aspects of the Northern Territory’s youth justice system, a new coalition has formed to push for more effective approaches to reduce youth crim

Media Releases

Aboriginal Peak Organisations condemn decision on Darwin youth detention site

The APO NT today condemned the NT Government’s decision to ignore Roya

Media Releases